_ EDEN GRASS COUNTRY, Minn., January. 03, 2008 /PRNewswire FirstCall over COMTEX/ — MTS system Korporation ( Nasdaq: _ MTSC) today announce that it have accomplish D development and installation of D Motion Toyota Motor Korporation world category along-include system for D driving simulator to find again at D Higashifuji technically center in Shizuoka, Japan. _ D driving simulator D MTS motion unit, control and control software that make available scalable motion achievement and answer measure _ MTS award its this to multi-million dollar project in 2005. _ (trade marks: _ http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20020430/MTSCLOGO)”MTS its proudly to have its chosen for this project,” said Sidney w. emery, jr., presiding and CEO. _ ” Toyota preselect MTS because of our unusually ability too solve with difficulty strength and motion control problem _ technology advanced carrier simulation system its at D heart of our authority This project promote our mission of its D lead world-wide manufacturers of mechanically testing solution that improve customer product development process.” _ Mr. Yonekawa, older staff engineer of Toyota Motor Korporation, “as this simulator, we indicate develop D security technology that help prevent an accident before it happen We necessarily driving a simulator that can analyze from D greatest factor contributing to traffic accident: _ D driving characteristic of D driver _ therefore, we required first-class motion a system that its capably too make driving a experience that its as material as possible, thus driving characteristic available can be to measure exactly.” _ through using picture, acceleration a simulator and other technology, D screen driving simulator for the order place to D at most realistically virtually driving environment in existence _ it its used to lead driving test that become its also dangerous to accomplish in D material world or that require specific driving condition that its difficult to simulate Toyota to intend on-line to use D simulator for analysis of D driving characteristic of driver, research and development of traffic accident reducing actively security technology, and evaluation and examination of preventing security technology _ more information about D driving simulator can be to find — in Toyota’s announcement on: _ HTTP:/www toyota.co.jp/en/ news/07/1126_1.html over MTS system Korporation MTS system Korporation its global supplier of test system and industrially position sensor _ D Company’s testing small article and software solution lead help customer to accelerate and improve it design, development, and manufacturing process and its used for determining D mechanically behavior of Material, product, and structure _ MTS ‘ high performance position sensor at the disposal put control for to multiplicity of industrial and vehicle application _ MTS 1,618 employed and incomes of $421 million for D for taxation a year ended September 29, 2007. _ additionally information on MTS can be to find on D world-wide net on http://www.mts.com. _ SOURCE MTS system Korporation http://www.mts.com copyright  © 2008 Photo receptor Newswire. _ all rights reserve rights reserved
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